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Spinach and aubergine in shiso-wrapped jiao-zi (Makes 40 large-sized ones)
Spinach and aubergine in shiso-wrapped jiao-zi A new twist to the everyday jiao-zi (gyoza in Japan – a small steamed packet of meat [usually] and vegetables in a pastry skin). Uses a lot of spinach and aubergine. The flavour of the shiso leaves (the green ones are called aojiso) make this a fresh and healthy meal. If you have any remaining filling, it can be 'recycled' to the corned-beef type fried rice with chives.

Spinach and aubergine in shiso-wrapped jiao-zi
A: 2 bunches of spinach, 5 aubergines, 40 shiso leaves, 1 segment of garlic, 1 piece of ginger root, 1 teaspoon salt

B: 1 bag Vegeta Soup Mix (with the powder removed from the bag), 1 teaspoon sesame oil, a little pepper

40 large-sized jiao-zi skins, some grape seed oil

Some soy sauce, apple vinegar, and hot la oil

1) Finely chop the vegetables in A, sprinkle the salt on them and mix. Leave to stand for a while to let the moisture evaporate, then squeeze off any remaining moisture and place in a bowl.

2) Add the seasonings from B to 1) and mix well.

3) Lay out the shiso leaves on the jiao-zi skins, place a little of the filling from 2) on each and wrap. (Usually done by folding the circular skin in half around the filling and then crimping the semi-circular edge with the fingers. Needs a little practice.)

4) Pour a thin layer of grape seed oil in a frying pan and heat, then fry the jiao-zi, turning them over when one side is nice and brown.

5) Use the soy sauce, apple vinegar and hot la oil to make a dip for the jiao-zi. Adjust the amounts to get the taste you like.

[Made with the following vegetarian ingredients]
Christmas Island Salt
Vegeta soup powder
Grape seed oil
Organic apple vinegar
Christmas Island Salt
Vegeta soup powder
Grape seed oil
Organic apple vinegar
Genuine la oil
Japanese soy sauce
Organic white pepper
Genuine la oil
Japanese soy sauce
Organic white pepper

[Staff comment]
The powerful taste of jiao-zi is nicely offset by the fresh taste of the shiso leaves! Uses lots of vegetables and is delicious so it is very good for the children and hubby. Nice idea to 'recycle' the unused filling into the fried rice.

[Customer feedback]
Ms. A: Nice one! Tastes just like real jiao-zi despite using only vegetables! The scales fell from my eyes... Juicy and good to eat just by themselves. I can eat any number of them at one sitting. I made some when my friends came round to visit. They told me they were "Fantastically tasty!" (^_^)V

Ms. B: I was really surprised because I had no idea you could make real-tasting jiao-zi with just vegetables! My husband and children finished them off before I could blink. And made only with vegetables, so very healthy.

Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes
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