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Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes Why are vegetarians increasing?
Home Page > Why are vegetarians increasing?
Meat eating in the world today

A new way of eating is now coming about in Europe and America, the areas of the world that have always led the way in this age. To Japanese people, the content of this diet looks rather like the "eating habits of the good old days." Focusing on plant foods such as unrefined grains and beans, fresh vegetables and fruit, different kinds of potatoes and seeds, nuts, seaweeds and fungi, the meals look rather like vegetarian meals.

This dietary pattern has become a focus of attention because it has been taken up by all kinds of people such as music and film stars, top models, top athletes, celebrities, the intelligentsia, LOHAS (Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability) practitioners and so.

The current state of vegetarianism
USA 20 million (2002)
UK Increasing by 2000 each week since the BSE problem
France Sudden increase of 200,000 because of the "nouveau vegetarian" style
Germany 6.6 million
Italy Has grown to 2.5 million from 1.5 million before the BSE problem!
The Netherlands The state has published a target to decrease the consumption of meat by 70% by 2030.

Why is it that vegetarianism is increasing in the countries which have a meat-eating culture?
1. Because I know it's not good for my body. Health reasons
2. Because I know that eating meat is linked to environmental problems. Environmental reasons
3. Because I feel that animals are fellow beings and companions. For the love of animals

Different people have different reasons for becoming a vegetarian.

In Japan recently, vegetarians are increasing among young women due to the influence of the "health boom" and macrobiotics.

Even so, looking at the current state of meat eating in Japan, there is still a marked trend towards a meat-centred (animal-foods-centred) diet.

The same trend can be seen in China and South Korea.

Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes
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