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Veggie meat happosai (serves 4 to 5)
Cold Chinese noodles with sesame sauce A well-known Chinese dish, eight-treasure vegetables, happosai in Japanese and babaocai in Chinese, made with 100% vegetable ingredients. Top marks for volume and taste! A popular recipe that makes good use of the savoury taste of the vegetables. Use it also as a topping for rice!

Veggie meat happosai
1 handful of finely chopped type veggie meat, 3 slices of wheat gluten veggie meat, 1/2 Chinese cabbage, 1 onion, 1 long Japanese leek, 1 carrot, 200g bamboo shoots, 10g dried shiitake mushrooms, 10g cloud ear mushrooms, 2 eringi (king trumpet) mushrooms, 1 piece ginger root, (1 segment garlic, if you like), 1/3 cup Japanese sake, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 bag Vegetas soup mix (with the powder removed from the bag), 2 tablespoons katakuriko starch, 100cc water, appropriate amounts of salt, pepper, grape seed oil, sesame oil..


1) Reconstitute the finely chopped type veggie meat and the wheat gluten veggie meat slices in ample hot water. Squeeze off the water when soft, dip the finely chopped type veggie meat in a little soy sauce and Vegetas soup mix (not included in the ingredients above), cut the wheat gluten veggie meat into bite-sized pieces and dip them lightly in Vegetas soup mix (not included in the ingredients above) and a little katakuriko starch.

2) Chop the Chinese cabbage into rough pieces, chop the onion into half-circles, cut the long Japanese leeks diagonally, cut the carrot and eringi mushrooms into round slices and cut the bamboo shoots into rectangles. Reconstitute the dried shiitake mushrooms and the cloud ear mushrooms in water and cut them into easy-to-eat pieces. Chop the ginger root up finely.

3) Fry the veggie meat from 1) and the eringi mushrooms lightly in grape seed oil.

4) Place 2 tablespoons of sesame oil in a Chinese wok and fry the ginger (and garlic)
over a low flame until a nice fragrance is coming off, and then fry the vegetables from 2), starting from the harder ones.

5) When the oil is covering everything nicely, add 3), the sake and the Vegetas soup mix. Continue to steam-boil till the vegetables are nice and soft.

6) Pour in a little soy sauce here and there and after seasoning with a little salt and pepper, add katakuriko starch mixed into 2 tablespoons of water and mix in to thicken the sauce.


[Made with the following vegetarian ingredients]
Light and Waves Natural Water
Vegeta soup powder
White sesame cream
Japanese soy sauce
Finely chopped veggie meat
Wheat gluten veggie meat slices
Katakuriko starch
Grape seed oil
Maple syrup
Organic apple vinegar
Pure sesame oil
Balsamic vinegar
Vegetas soup mix
Pure sesame oil
Dried cloud ear mushrooms
Japanese soy sauce
Okinawa soba
World salt
Organic white pepper
Light and Waves Natural Water

[Staff comment]
We enjoyed the crispy, crunchy textures of the vegetables! This is a very good recipe for the summer, when the body tends to cool down.

Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes
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