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Banana tart (22 cm round tart mould)
Banana tart Lots of nicely ripe bananas used in this tart – no sugar is used, but it's still sweet and rich!

Enjoy under a big blue sky!

Banana tart
A: 1/2 cup whole grain hard (bread) flour, 1/2 cup whole grain soft flour, 1.5 cups almond powder, 1 teaspoon baking powder

B: 100cc maple syrup, 100cc grape seed oil, 50cc soy milk, 1 pinch salt

C: 2 bananas, 1 teaspoon rum, 1 teaspoon maple syrup, 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1) Heat the oven to 180°C.

2) Slice the bananas in C to 5mm discs and mix with the other ingredients.

3) Sieve the flour in A. Put the liquids in B into a bowl and mix.

4) Pour the flour in 3) into the liquid in 3) and mix without making sticky by spooning the mixture up from the bottom.

5) Pour 4) into the tart mould, using a spatula to spread the mixture evenly around the mould.

6) Place the bananas from 2) into the mix in rows or patterns. Bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.

* After cooling, leave in the fridge for one day for the flavour to mellow.

[Made with the following vegetarian ingredients]
Organic hard flour
Organic soft flour
Almond powder
Baking powder
Organic hard flour
Organic soft flour
Almond powder
Baking powder
Maple syrup
Grape seed oil
Soy Dream (soy milk)
Christmas Island salt
Maple syrup
Grape seed oil
Soy Dream (soy milk)
Christmas Island salt
Cinnamon powder
Cinnamon powder

[Staff comment]
Nice and sweet with a full, rich taste, but not heavy at all, so I can eat several slices...

[Customer feedback]
Ms A: Really delicious! It has a full flavour and the cinnamon tastes really good. I felt really satisfied after eating it. After leaving it for a day, the flavour really mellowed nicely and I felt that it had a really full, rich taste. The children really liked it and wolfed it down so quickly I had to rush to save two slices from the dish!

Ms B: My daughter was 5 yesterday so I decided to make the banana tart I had been thinking of making. It turned out to be very popular...
The birthday girl and my husband both like it very much and our 11-month-old baby had a bit my husband gave her, which was OK because there are no additives or eggs in it at all.

Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes
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