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Fig and walnut muffins (makes 20 in 5 cm muffin molds)
Fig and walnut muffins Figs are a healthy fruit, rich in iron, that we don't eat often.

The crunchy texture of fragrant walnuts and the soft sweetness of the figs make this an irresistible sweet!

Fig and walnut muffins
A: 1 cup soft whole-grain flour, 1/2 cup hard whole-grain flour, 1/2 cup almond powder, 1 tablespoon baking powder (without added aluminium).

B: 200 cc soy milk, 100 cc maple syrup, 50 cc grape seed oil, 1 tablespoon natural vanilla essence, a pinch of salt.

C: 10 dried figs (100 g), 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon rum.

D: 50 g walnuts

1) Place the ingredients from C in a saucepan and heat; boil for about ten minutes till soft.
When cool, cut into 20 discs for decoration and chop the remainder finely.
Use the remaining heat to roast the walnuts for six minutes and then crush finely.

2) Place A and B in separate bowls and mix well (separately).

3) Add B to A and mix carefully by spooning up gently from below. Add the walnuts and the fig left over from the decoration in 1) and mix all together. Pour into molds and place the fig decoration on top.

4) Bake 3) at 180°c for 25 to 30 minutes.

[Made with the following vegetarian ingredients]
Organic soft flour
Organic hard flour
Organic almond powder
Baking powder
Organic soft flour
Organic hard flour
Organic almond powder
Baking powder
Soy Dream (soy milk)
Maple syrup
Grape seed oil
Natural vanilla essence
Soy Dream (soy milk)
Maple syrup
Grape seed oil
Natural vanilla essence
Christmas Island salt
Light and Waves water
Organic raw walnuts
Christmas Island salt
Light and Waves water
Organic raw walnuts

[Staff comment]
When I first heard of it, I thought, "What's a fig cake???" but after eating it I was really surprised! It's really delicious! Oh, and good for you too – a pretty and healthy sweet dessert.

[Customer feedback]
I chopped up the walnuts and figs too finely and so the texture wasn't all that wonderful, but the moderate sweetness makes this a good sweet for adults. Good with a cup of tea!
Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes
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