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Vegans' Club for Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes Substitute foods for vegetarians
Home Page > Substitute Foods for Vegetarians > Dairy product substitutes
Substitute Foods for Vegetarians (Dairy product substitutes)

Why you should not eat dairy products
The only living creatures who drink the milk of other species even after they become adults are humans and animals that humans keep.
Cow's milk is designed for calves, who are born at around 50 kg and reach about 100 kg in two years.
Cow's milk is very good at building a big body and skeletal frame quickly, but the brain function is far below that of humans.

The most appropriate milk for the human body is mother's milk.
But you can't breastfeed till you become an adult.
That's where vegetarian food materials can play an important role!
Let's look at some dairy food substitutes that are both healthy and delicious.

Soy milk (Soy Dream)
Soy milk (Soy Dream) Made from only yellow soybeans grown organically (and pesticide-free) in Piedmont in northern Italy, this plain soy milk is a JAS certified organic food in Japan.

Rice milk
Rice milk A low-fat milk made from genmai.

A very clean taste, recommended for people who do not enjoy soy milk. Uses only natural sweetener – no sugar.

Yoghurt bacteria (kefir grains)
Yoghurt bacteria (kefir grains) Mix with Soy Dream soy milk and leave in a warm place overnight and you get a soy yoghurt!

Compared with ordinary yoghurt, kefir grains contain much more lactobacillus, yeast and kefir bacteria, and this food helps you raise your immunity.

Mayonnaise-type substitute (Tohnyuzu)
Mayonnaise-type substitute (Tohnyuzu) Recommended for those who like mayonnaise, this "tohnyuzu" (tohnyu is Japanese for 'soy milk', and the 'zu' is the 'z' sound at the end of the word mayonnaise) is made from domestically-grown Japanese soybeans and 100% vegetarian materials. A delicious mayonnaise substitute that is totally additive-free and non-cholesterol.

Cheese-type substitutes (Sheese)
Cheese-type substitutes (Sheese) Vegetarian cheese made from soy. Nine hard cheese and five creamy cheese varieties, all delicious and completely vegan-vegetarian. Eat on bread or toast or make pizzas, gratin or doria.

Whipped cream-type substitutes (Soy whipped cream)
Whipped cream-type substitutes (Soy whipped cream) A healthy whipped cream, which is 11% fats and non-cholesterol, and made from only soy milk and 100% vegetable oil. Can be whipped like real cream and used on cakes or in various kinds of recipes.

Some kefir grains, soy cheese, rice cheese, almond cheese and so on use dairy products and so are not recommended for vegan-vegetarians, but sometimes even some vegan-vegetarians like to widen their culinary repertoire by trying something a little different.

On a slightly more serious topic...

Is milk really OK for the human body?

or    What? A human?  Which is more natural??

The milk paradox - drinking milk weakens your bones -
The post-war myth that "milk is rich in calcium and is a healthy food" turns out to be an illusion and in fact we now know that the exact opposite is true.

One piece of evidence is that the Norwegians, who are the greatest milk-drinkers on Earth, suffer five times more bone fractures than the Japanese. More evidence comes from a bone density experiment carried out at Andrews University, Michigan, on a comparison of a grain and vegetable vegetarian diet against a meat and dairy products diet in which 1,600 women participated.

The results?

<Loss rate of minerals in the bones up to age 80>
20 years or more as vegetarians group: average 18%
Meat and dairy products diet group: average 36%
It was reported that the loss of bone mineral was about double for the meat and dairy products group.

Why were these results obtained despite the drinking of milk, supposed to be rich in calcium. This is because other minerals besides calcium – magnesium, iron, manganese, nickel, zinc and so on – are needed for the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

In addition, meat, dairy products and other animal foods make the body acidic. The calcium in the bones is used to neutralize the acid, is then excreted in your urine, resulting in a disease which reduces the density of your bones – osteoporosis.

Reference: Marsh, Alice, G., et al, Vegetarian lifestyle and bone mineral density, available at <>

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